Save Successful.

You will need the following information in order to return to this claim to check the status or continue entering information. An email including the below claim number will be sent to any email addresses that were provided.

The claim information entered thus far has been saved but the claim has not been submitted. The claim will not be processed until it is submitted. Click the SUBMIT MY CLAIM button to submit the claim for processing when you are finished entering the claim information.

Your claim has been submitted for processing.

Submit Warranty Claim

Please note: To the fullest extent permitted under the law, this warranty shall not cover and Trex shall not be responsible for costs and expenses incurred with respect to the removal of defective product or the installation of replacement materials, including but not limited to labour and freight.

* Denotes a required field
Contact Information (the individual to whom all claim related correspondence will be sent)
Property Address
Trex Provider Information
Trex Product Information
Trex Decking

Please populate total square meters OR deck dimensions.

Deck Size
Trex Railing
Trex Lighting
Other Product

32768 characters remaining.

32768 characters remaining.
Additional Attachments

Attachment upload is limited to 25mb per Save attempt. If you have more than 25mb of attachments to add, please save the claim and then add the additional attachments. Repeat as necessary to upload all the attachments you require.

Upload Additional Attachments
  Type Name  
Certification of Accuracy

By clicking the SUBMIT MY CLAIM button below, I certify that to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief, the information on this concern form is true and correct.

Click the SAVE DRAFT button to save the information that has been entered thus far so that you can come back later to complete the claim and submit. The claim will not be processed until it is submitted. Click the SUBMIT MY CLAIM button to submit the claim for processing.